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A taste of the kinds of projects we have supported so far

February 2022 - December 2023


Engaged by the Errinundra to Snowy communities of Bonang, Bendoc, Goongerah and Tubbut to review, redesign and progress a key community priority for the district - improvement of access to key services including healthcare (Stage 1). Built a network of project champions and stakeholder support to support the community to design and benchmark a new approach to remote health service delivery that balanced their local needs against available resources.


Secured over $350,000 of funding to deliver Stage 2 (renovation of existing under-utilised community facilities to create 3x private consulting rooms with high speed internet).


Brokered a service delivery relationship between the community and the local health service and secured $400,000 of funding to deliver Stage 3 - a pilot program to be refined and evaluated for future expansion. The pilot is world-leading using a combination of in-community nurse-led healthcare, visiting services and merged reality technology.


Options & Feasibility Reports

  • Omeo District Health (Staff Accommodation Options), 2023

  • C4 Impact (Buchan district Nature-based Tourism Accreditation), 2022


Undertook desktop research, interviews and site visits to identify issues and opportunities, compare options and propose recommendations for action.





Image by Carlos Muza

Community Renewal Plan

Engaged by East Gippsland Shire Council to support the Buchan district to document their community recovery and renewal priorities.


Included community engagement, communications, preparation of the renewal plan in teh approrpiate document format and oversight of document design and printing processes.

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Supercharge Program

April 2022- October 2022


Partnered with Elbow Community to deliver a community capacity building project funded by Gippsland Primary Health Network. The program delivered three tiers of support to community groups:

  • Grant writing workshops (in-person & online)

  • Grant writing services

  • Project development support


13 community projects/groups were supported based on their level of need, resulting in over $500,000 of funds being received.


Projects included Omeo Community Hub, Dargo Bush Nurse, Orbost Exhibition Centre, Orbost, Bairnsdale & Bruthen Neighbourhood Houses, Nowa Nowa Community Development Group. 


Community Facility Upgrades

July 2022 - Ongoing


Engaged by the Goongerah, Bendoc, Bonang and Tubbut communities to scope and deliver community facility upgrades.


Included internal renovations, building additions, creation of outdoor recreation areas and resilience upgrades safeguarding access to power, water, food and basic hygiene services during and after emergency events.


Included consultation on scope of works, prioritisation of scope of works, negotiation of funds shared across facilities/groups, securing of additional funds and procurement and construction management. Liaised with state and local governmetn land managers.



Goongerah BBQ area progress photo 26 May 2023.1.jpeg

Old Growth Boardwalk Upgrade

Engaged by the Friends of Errinundra to project manage reinstatement of an important community boardwalk, damaged by falling trees.


Refined the scope, undertook procurement processes and contract management of principal contractor and signage consultant.


Liasied with land manager, Parks Victoria


Project managed signage and brochure design and delivery and delivered a major opening event attended by over 80 nature-based tourists and stakeholders to demonstrate the impact of the project on the local economy.

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